Monday, September 9, 2013

Memories v. Money - Run with the Bulls

Lots of people think you need copious amounts of money to do things truly memorable. Money gives you something that is a one of a kind experience and cannot be matched. 

I'm not saying money CAN'T get you that greedy greedy but what I'm saying is that you shouldn't blame money problems to why you aren't living life. I'm a firm believer in the below sayings:

"Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans." - John Lennon

When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.” -  John Lennon

 I've found in my old age few years in life here so far that some of the best memories happen when you have the least amount of money. I maintain this is why I was so happy in college. Broke and Happy. LOL 
But in all honesty, most of us in college didn't really mind that we were broke. We were surrounded by friends. Surrounded by people that we were fine just walking around, chillin' in a dorm room, or studying till 3am.

Without money. 

True, in college you have almost no responsibilities or a care in the world and getting a job changes all that. Suddenly you have to CARE (*gasp* OH NOES) and make money to pay for bills. 
**SIDE NOTE** I had to pay for books which really...the cost of that is almost equal to a mortgage... no joke... p.s.  wtf...  haha

So now that I'm currently broke again. You go back to basics - Cheap fun!!

Thankfully there are websites that help with finding cheap things and adventures to do. (Groupon, Livingsocial, Specialicious, etc...)  If you have not heard of these websites...1) What rock have you lived under? and 2) I can't help you much in this post - just stop now.... ;)

So now I stalk these websites like it's my job looking for random ones-y twos-y things that are 'worth it' for the cost.

Danny found one! :)    We had both never been to a winery~ 

This wine is named after the owners daughter~

SOOOO cheap $25 dollars later. We have a wine tasting at The Winery at Bull Run that includes:

9 wines to taste:  (Usually $15 each)

The Reds

The Whites

 A snack was included. (Usually another $8 dollars)... I don't have a pictures cuz we ate the hummus with a baguette in record time.... and it was delicious. The baguette was fresh out of the oven and the hummus was home made.  :D 

The deal also included $24 at their gift store where we bought wine stoppers that you can twist and open up to drink as well as locally made honey. (It's the wine stoppers they have on the wine bottles at the tasting that cause the wine to pour out at a slower rate and are cute) 

Random fact on Honey. Natural/locally made honey can possibly help relieve seasonal allergies as the honey is processed with a majority of the allergens close to where you live. HOWEVER, you can only find possible relief via LOCALLY made honey. The stuff you find in stores is just mostly sugar and high fructose corn syrup... and that relieves nothing but your sweet tooth. :\  (more info follow link: How Honey can help)

So for $20 bucks we spent around 2 1/2 hours just chatting and having fun.... for $20 bucks. 

I'm sure the alcohol probably had some effect for this happiness

Being silly = free

We had food, drink, the outdoors and this amazing view:

Yes...we each got our own glass of wine

To be fair... We each did have to pay for the above glasses of wine. However it WAS ladies night so my glass was only $4. (YAY for cheap again)   

And we had SO MUCH FUN! It was lighthearted running around and laughter. It even had horses in the distance prancing around and frolicking in a field. I mean.... Disney magic was happening.
This may be an a little exaggeration, lie, alcohol induced hallucinations bending of the truth.  But really the best things happen for little money and great company. 

I hope to find more adventure like this while I'm broke... at least I hope I can find more.  :)

BEST quote of the day from our 'Run with the Bulls' Winery: 

Danny: Would it be weird if I chased after those horses?
Me: Yes...however...this doesn't mean I don't support you in this edeavour.
Danny: What if the other horses chase me?
Me: just takes one angry horse to ruin your day.... 
