Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year Blues~

The beginning of a New Year's Tale~~


All the Winter holidays are done, you're excited to be the 'new you', and you can't wait to kick off January by going to the gym, saving money, doing new hobbies, etc....etc....

(Random Pet Peeve - ETC = ET Cetera - click here for explanation) - there is no EX

Anyway - I'm not immune to the 'New Year' clean slate feeling. I want to be the most awesome me too! *raises hand*

Going to go to the Gym? Well really, I'd already planned that for last year. So I guess I'm a goal ahead since I just wanted to be in better shape in general.  *shrug*

New hobbies? Not new, I need to get back into my old hobbies~ I haven't drawn something new in ages or painted in over a year... let's do that ... yeah... let's  :)

Now here's the tricky one - really the main one this blog and my world revolves around.

You're stoked. You're planning. You're pumped to save money. You check the bank account and while again today you are not a millionaire (shucks) you are able to buy food (WIN).

Then you see your credit card bills.

I'm sure some of you did awesome over the winter holiday season and stayed within budget and blah blah blah, kiss my butt. Yeah. You probably didn't eat a single piece of cake or pie either.

You....are weird. (Everyone loves pie!)  
The rest of us did the motto of 'Sharing is Caring' and as such - we nearly nulled our paychecks for December.
I shared and cared so much that I got my CC bills and went "Well ....okay... - looks like I need to pay ONLY IN CASH for Jan, so I don't think I'm a MILLIONAIRE and charge things."
No joke.
I will be doing this for January.

New Motto for 2014? See this youtube vine video~

Was my spending bad? Yes
Was it something I can recover from? Yes
Is it going to be painful with me kicking and screaming? Absolutely

So here comes the fun part - the part that I'm not sure I can keep but will update Month to Month.

I'm not going to buy any new accessories, clothes, or jewelry for 6 months. I got the idea from this post.
(Notice shoes aren't included... yeah... and giftcards don't count in this cuz...we just had Christmas!)

Will there be exceptions? DEFINITELY     Personal hygiene things are a must.  hahaha

However I'm going to start slow, I don't think I'll be perfect (who is?) but we'll see how January goes for this.

I'm stricter on my budget then most I know and frankly I still think I'm WAY to lenient. I think back to when I first graduated college and the fact that I never spent money on ANYTHING. How did I do that?? No idea, working to try and figure it out.

Some things I just can't compromise on though. I love seeing friends, hanging out, and making memories. So I'm guessing my food bills will continue to be on the gratuitous side.  :\     That's a hit I'm willing to take though.

Cheers to 2014~~
Let's do this!!

Glass, bottle, keg... we don't judge here.  ;)
