Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Purse or Clues?

So I've read a few things as of late saying that a Purse (and what's inside) can say a lot about a person and their personality ~

Well that being said.... let's see what mine says - although I could be horribly bias... ;)

Please note - I didn't do any 'pre-screen' I really just dumped the contents haha

Loud and proud? I have no idea... it's a purse?
 So things I can determine I guess from this - it's scruffy a bit on the outside, clearly I throw it around places, and is a BEAUTIFUL see, bias color~ desperately needs to be cleaned
It's a rather large purse... kind of clunky.....and it has no form... little hobo....  o.O
This got judgmental real fast... MOVING ON

So let's see what I tote around...
What makes my world go round~~ <3

Wow....that is a lot of stuff... like... can you imagine how heavy my purse is??? HAHA ridiculous...
So let's break it down into groups...

Group #1 - Girly
Oooo the variety~  kudos to me  ;)
Yep... that's 5 different lip items. Starting from left to right:
We have a wonderfully amazing super expensive colorful NARS lipstick, a moxie (bareminerals) lip gloss, a KatVonD lipstain (highly recommend this product!), an express lipgloss, and a lip balm.

Full disclosure?

I'm pretty sure I've only used two of these AFTER they've entered my purse.... that would be the balm and the express lip gloss. The other three are usually applied prior to leaving the house and then I cart them along randomly.
AKA - I really should leave the other 3 out.

So what does this say about me? No idea wow i'm bad at this BUT I'm guessing that I have a tendency to try and look presentable and prepared for the occasion - prepared is the word. :)
(And I spend WAY to much on lip product)

Group#2 - Cleanliness & Health

Survival Items - GOT THIS

These are must haves.
Tissues? - Check
Portable sunblock? - check  (SPF 70? Bonus points) *fist pump*
Glide Floss? - Check (Keepin' the pearly whites, squeaky clean)
Mirror? - In case these items need to be done on the fly! (Okay so I've only used it once.....)
Tweezers - Check!! This is a multipurpose item. Useful from splinters to eyebrows!

I'm getting the drift I'm a very prepared person. All I'm missing is a swiss army knife.... hhmmmmmm

Group #3 - Technology

So on the left we have charging cord and battery for my phone - this is necessary.... the world goes round by phone these days and having an extra 'oomph' is never bad.

On the right we have my sanity, book holder, new love, kindle.  :)

In a short time - I have become incredibly attached. BK (before kindle) I carried around actual book books. Which are still my first love. And the best thing ever.
This is my sanity and should never be left behind... although it is often.... the kindle... not my sanity.....maybe my sanity... *shrug*

Group #4 - Writing

2 of these things are not like the others..... 
Well... if you pay close attention, you'll notice what I did after I took this photo.

Two of these are actually eyeliner. *facepalm* (Pen, Eye, Eye, Pen, Pen)
There is a really good story of why there're in there but we'll skip that part.
Pens = absolutely
I cannot even count the number of times these have come in handy. Never-ending usefulness!
........Well ..... unless I run out of ink (some things can't be controlled)

I'm really shocked by how many people don't carry pens. Not to mention, it means I don't have to wait for the pen when you go out to eat and you all have to sign after using a CC. For some crazy reason, your table of 4 8 10 only gets ONE pen.
(....not a big thing, but still convenient)

Group #5 - MISC

Uh.. random...  *shrug*
So these items are here for random reasons.
Gloves - Well CLEARLY it's been winter, so I shouldn't have to explain this.
Dry Hands - used to counteract sweatiness when exercising. Ever dropped weights on your feet? No? LUCKY YOU - I have... no seriously, I have.... it sucked. naturally 
But this is a grip for anything - weights, pull up bars, rock climbing, etc... if you need to hold on to something with your sweaty, clammy hands - this is for you!

Group #6 - Givens

Don't leave home without it~
This is just common sense - you have to have glasses, license, & money. Two needed to drive, one needed to fill up the tank.
Advil... is just needed... again... common sense   :0)


I had to break down my purse into SIX sub groups... that's sad... and sure does explain a lot. LOL

Well - what I'm getting in this whole picture is that I'm a prepared person (or paranoid).

Either way! BRING IT ON

I wonder what the 'male' equivalent of this is.... not a wallet... maybe a car?
"What does your man's car say about him?"

Yeah... that may be it.  :)

Not sure if it's good I'm comparing women's purses to men's cars... but let's be honest.

Women carry around a LOT of stuff. Heaven help me when I have children.
