Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Paint.... just take my money.....

So after buying a house, naturally you want to make a budget. You know, to make up for that sudden brokeness and the emptiness of the bank account?

But some things are just unavoidable.... such as the below:
Yeeeeaaaah... that's not a liveable color...

Ummmmm......No... Well... if it's the guest room..maybe.... haha

So this is what I'm dealing with. I have a powder pink room and a pastel green guest room. We also have a green living room with cherry floors.... no... just no.

SO the best laid plans and blah blah blah came crashing down when we went paint shopping this weekend.

Here I am on a budget of "NO SPENDING AT ALL" (maybe not that severe....) and then we go to the paint store....   anybody know how much a normal gallon of paint costs? ummmm Around $50 bucks. Soooo If you want to paint 3 rooms... the paint alone (estimating 2 gallons per room - NOT including primer) is around $300 plus the tools to pain (paint brush, roller, tray, tape, etc....)

LUCKILY I had a coworker looking out for me and let me know that Sherrwin Williams was having a fabulous 40% off sale  *victory dance*

Meaning what could have been horribly detrimental to my budget via paint firing squad... turned into more of a sissy shot to the shoulder:

180.28 + 106.64 = $286.92  (ouch)
 Not too bad. However... this was just the 4 gallons of paint, a paint brush, and some tape.... that's it.

So we went down the street to ACE Hardware and bought some more things cuz they had a 20% sale. Where we spent another $40 dollars.

So our total so far was: $220.28

We didn't buy primer or rollers or any of those things at this point cuz Danny's Dad luckily had a lot of that and we could save money borrow share use this as long as it's in good condition upon return.

So back to my budget..... or lack there of.....  *cries*

This is just the first step... we are also calling around for carpet cleaning (estimated at around $180 NOT including pet treatment) and then I thought about maid cleaners (estimated around $100 depending on number of people and number of hours) and I think to myself......

Budget? What budget?

Oh and P.S.  Why is PAINT THE MOST EXPENSIVE  *eye twitch*  In what world does that make sense??  

In all seriousness though, my budget = me not buying and spending frivolously so we can afford to get things done that need to be done. 

Which doesn't necessarily mean you DON'T have the money, but that you actually have the discipline to use it for 'the greater good'. (not cookies or alcohol)

For me right now that's my house. For some of you it could be savings... or a car.... or a computer.... or heck, a trip to Disney world (please take me with you)!!

Budget is the difference between controlled splurging (little of an oxymoron there) and someone telling you 'this is the reason we can't have nice things....'.

Discipline! (And reward system) My pretty house is going to be a HUGE reward. :)

So....bye bye happy money.....   

Can't wait to invite my friends over and celebrate~~  :)


(If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment)


  1. Who's going to Disney World?? Please bring me too! XD

    1. Actually.. I know 2 people going to Disney world! haha one in August (Sindy~) and one in November (a co-worker). :p
      Wish I could go!
