Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Confessions of a Broke Girl

So, here I am to confess.
Here I am to show everyone that we all fall off the budget truck occasionally...

Kinda like this......

Or maybe more like this.....

Either way, falling off the budget truck is terrifying and painful.

Usually when you're on a budget and you go to 'grade' yourself at the end of the month. There are around 5 possible reactions that can range in severity:

1.) "Omg... I'm WAY under budget!!! YES!! I can go get a milkshake to celebrate~" (Best scenario)
2.) "Oh good - I'm under budget this month" *pats self on back* (Pretty amazing and awesome)
3.) "Snaked in riiiiiiiiiiiiight at budget. Sh** .. could've done better..." (Good but not fulfilling)
4.) "Efffffffff I went over budget. This sucks. No more hanging out with friends for a while" (Truth)
5.) "OMG WHERE DID MY MONEY GO...." *cries in corner*  (Still cries in a corner)

So, as this is the last week in October and I go to 'grade' myself knowing full well it's not been a cheap month...knowing full well it's Halloween and I have a sweet tooth... and knowing full well the likelihood of a 1 or 2 score is impossible. I still was not expecting my grade.... (Damn rose colored glasses)

He's so angry......
And I did have the typical reaction
"OMG... MY MONEY...NOOOOOOO..... *cries*....."

And the Onion is right... it's my fault but it still hurts. The realistic kick in the booty of "I'm not a movie star?" is a harsh one.
Not that I was rockin movie star purchases - just to keep the slate clean...

A majority of my money went towards forms of exercises classes... (yoga, cardio, etc...) that I SHOULD have budgeted into my month. SHOULD SHOULD SHOULD but didn't like a fool.  :(

I made mistake numero uno! Which is spending money I didn't have. I didn't go over by a few bucks (that would have put me in slot #4) I went over by a few HUNDRED.

There were also car expenses in there and loan payments... things like that.

But nothing that should have SURPRISED me.... nothing that I shouldn't have BUDGETED for....

My weakness? .... should I say?....

I spent $90 on books this month alone.... this month alone
(for those of you slower than most, this means cumulatively together... you really don't want to know how much I've spent on books year to date.... to give you an idea, this year alone I've read over 150 books......so yeah... let's not judge... let's just focus on the month of October 2013 shall we?)

^ That price could have been avoided... If I could control the reading urges... and look for sales like I do for clothes  *facepalm*

I also ate out more than I should have this month....

Again - it wasn't necessarily really any ONE thing that sent me over, but it rarely is.

I fell off the budget truck this month ..... hard....

THANKFULLY there is always a buffer built in for this possibility and I'm not destitute... as long as I don't continue to do this.

So...for those of you that are my friends and I hang out with you on a weekly basis... realize when I say I can't afford it... I really honestly cannot afford it.... *see above example*

Can't do it...no way, no how.

I can hangout and I can chat and watch a movie or make dinner and such....but probably no extensive adventures for a while.....   :)


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