Thursday, May 31, 2012

Italy Day Two: The Explosion

I'm not going to say much about day two. It was not our best. We missed the first train we wanted to take to the Kendo World Championship. Then when we finally got there, they said they didn't have our tickets, and then by late afternoon they opened up all the side doors to let air in and we were able to...*ahem*.... push our way in.

However, I will post a few pictures:

This is at Milano Centrale Station. So gorgeous  :)

This is an artist, Stephan, from Paris, France. He is also half Armenian. He was painting outside while we waited for a miracle to occur with our tickets.

If you're wondering why I'm wearing jeans here instead of the usual dress with nice shoes. Those 'nice shoes' tore up my heels on day one and caused me to use bandaids for 3 days after so i wouldn't get blood on my socks.  :(     Fun times.

P.S. Apparently being Armenian is not a good thing in Europe, per Stephan: "Armenian is toxic, if you are half, it effects all and you are full Armenian. What to do?"

Us leaving the Novara station. No love lost here. Till Day 4 Novara....till then.

The championship is 3 days. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. We have decided to skip Saturday and then go for the teams on Sunday.

Ending our excursion for the day.

Side notes: My hair is super wavy here a lot of the time due to the high humidity. Also, I'm going to be wearing my hats a lot since...well...the sun is killer here. I'm hoping that my body will adjust at some point to the humidity though, and the time change....wishful thinking?
Just try and stop me from having it.  :D


P.S. The best word I learned before coming here 'Where' in Italian is pronounced doh-vay. That word is essential so far.  haha  

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