Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A Hokie Wedding

Let me preface by saying, No. This is not the first Hokie I know to get married, nor will it be the last.

However, Mrs. THURSTON is probably one of the closest people I know from college to get married...and to another Hoke!  :)

I lived with this beautiful person. Shared memories, shared food, laughs, and heck - I know how many layers she's gonna wear on a cold day. (Yes, we determined the temperature outside by # of clothing layers). LOL

Many people are close to me from Tech but from all of my years there I only had 3 roomies. (3 because my first semester was a summer session, that wasn't very I had no roommate..I DIGRESS).

3 people that for one whole year each, I saw day in and day out. She was one of them. One of my closest people and fondest friends. So it probably is no surprise when she walked down in that GORGEOUS and amazing bridal gown. ..... I broke down like baby. HAHA

She looked phenomenal and her groom was ECSTATIC... if not a little nervous at the beauty walking his way:

I know they were all nervous, Chad was sweet and we could see him trying to sooth her by making her smile and holding her hands. It was amazing.

They are so in love:

It was a beautiful wedding and I've never seen two people so nervous yet so ready to take the next step together.

The reason I wanted to write this blog/post wasn't so much to 'sensationalize' an event. More to commemorate it.

She is my roomie.
She is one of my good friends.

And really, It just makes me happy to see her as joyous as she is right now, in that moment. 

Congratulations Roomie!!  :)

(I won't say we are watching you Chad....just....paying close attention to a fellow Hokie's happiness) 

Oh don't listen to me, I know you both will have an amazing future together.

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