Monday, August 18, 2014

House List To Do's and Don'ts

So it's been pointed out to me that I have a problem.
Not a huge problem but a 'doing' problem. Not so much doing but a delaying. haha

Everyone with me so far?

So we're working on one of the basement rooms currently and we actually have sanded the walls, cleaned the floor after sanding, and TCPed the walls. We are now ready to prime and then paint!
(I'll have pictures after the project is complete)

However, my mind has a tendency to not want to go forward if everything is not prepped. And not in the sense of "Is it ready to be painted?" because YES of course it's ready.
I have a tendency to delay 'doing', or in this case 'painting', because I don't have a solid ending. I don't want to buy paint, paint, clean up, and THEN - I don't have a place to store the paint....and we have a bunch of left over paint from the last owners we need to clear out and I'm uncertain of how to be rid of that paint.

In my mind - I delay starting as my finish is uncertain.
LAME!  I know it's lame but I like things to be orderly and this effs up my groove!

"You've thrown off the Emperor's groove" (
I don't know if I picture somehow the end being a catastrophe or what but it does delay me from starting. URGH
Maybe it's because I don't like starting another task until the previous is completely done and I'm associating the leftover paint with this last pain job?? who knows - I'm weird. 

So I'm working on NOT being affecting by end results that clearly haven't happened with our house stuff. *sigh* This way I CAN accomplish and start the 'To Do' list.

Anyone care to see the list?

Items to complete in my house owning lifetime:
- Paint the basement exercise room
- Remove spare fridge
- Organize and install shelving/storage in basement closet
- Furnish Basement Living room (This will of course have sub bullets at some point)
- Upgrade furniture in Master
- Furnish Guest Bedroom
- Hang paintings in basement (and in guest room, and master room, etc.. etc....)
- Hang large mirror in landing
etc, etc, etc........

The list goes on and on.

Thankfully some of the above doesn't have money associated with it, just cleaning. However, some rooms need to be finished to get to others. Like this painting I need to do. :\

If any one wants to help paint - sign up via comment below!!! I will accept any and all help. lol

Meanwhile on the budget front..... I... I don't want to talk about it....   D:  I mean I'm sure I will but it's not pretty or healthy haha

I know this is a short post this week but just to recap~

TO DO = Beginning projects and make sure you follow through - NO DELAY
To Don't = Delay for illogical reasons that will make completion so far in the future you get frustrated.
AAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I'm broke. 


 ~ A

$272 (my last post was on the fourth so this is the 4th - 14th) *cries*

Monday, August 4, 2014

August - Broke and Tired

Hello wonderful world!!

So I've been quiet here for a bit. A lot... maybe I've been ignoring this blog on purpose.guilty

Frankly, I meant to start a blog post on Friday about how I wasn't going to be spending that much money in August, how I was going to truly watch the budget and be amazingly, stupendously frugal - the Wonder Woman of budgeting, blah blah blah......

Then I spent like $70ish on Thursday
Then I spent around $50ish on Friday
Then I spent like $50ish on Saturday
Then I spent some more money yesterday (Sunday)

So basically 'Then I royally screwed my possible August budget in the first 3 days"

BUT THAT'S NOT ALL!   - I have an idea of what bills I have this month... and this month is only going to get more expensive amazing. 

So kind people - I've decided to do something fun. I plan to update weekly on this blog (let's see how long that lasts *crosses fingers*) for at least the month of August and keep a going tally of how much I've spent in Aug.
I'll just do a little red $X at the end of my posts and that will be that. And you can all see the horror and damage my shopping problem causes.
(Please note: A lot of purchases are food and I don't consider those 'shopping problems'... that's just...well... survival....) I still see you judging me!!

So I'm trying to think of all the updates everyone has missed house wise and money wise from me.... hmmmmm.... my last Post was in January.. so let's do quick summaries!

February ~ we got a new closet!!  :D

No, we didn't bulldoze the closet - more of, we got Elfa!! (<-- click that word to see amazing things) 

Our original closet kind of only held my clothes... meaning Danny had all his stuff in the spare bedroom. This had maybe something nothing to do with how much clothing I had and everything to do with how our closet was structured.

We had the typical walk in that had one shelf on each wall. For a huge total of 3 shelves with cramped hanging room for clothing. ..... It ..... sucked....

However when we got our new closet - it now EASILY holds all of Danny's clothes and mine~ with room to spare :)    We also have drawers and can fit our luggage in the closet now up top. I also can fit my shoes in here in little plastic containers and a pull out shoe rack!!

Here are some photos:

From entering the door (Left side and straight ahead)

Me crouching on the left side so you can see the right side of the closet

It's amazing~
So far my favorite thing that we've had done to the house.

March ~ was mainly comprised of family, friends, food, and some snow
(a.k.a. the winter that never ended)

Here are some photo re-caps for those of you interested  :)

Delicious Kimchi Soup~~

So happy it's summer now!

This cat just does what it wants... no matter how you feel...


Need to work on my camera holding skills.... :)

April: WINE!!

I had been planning and hoping for a new addition to the house and my dreams became real~
We bought and built our very own wine cabinet! Isn't it beautiful?

Yes I have a wine holder on top of the wine cabinet... never too much wine

May: Everything is Awesome! (-con) 

Basically Awesome-con is a convention where people (such as myself) can geek out, buy things (naturally), dress up (not me), and freak out over TV/Movie crushes (definitely me).

Firefly anyone? Jewel Staite is gorgeous!

He had the best attitude and personality - and clearly, sense of humor

Yay~ Nicholas Brendon

Hercules!!!! :D

Cary Elwes "As you wish"~

LOTR, RUDY, aka this man is awesome!

June: Birthdays all around!

This month was a blur of activities (See Danny), celebrations, video gaming (see Vi for photos), and money spending.
I have... no recollection of how much money was spent.....  There seems to be a rumor of book buying that totaled over $400.... I mean.... I don't know *halo*

Some light reading~~~~~

July: Ch-cha-cha-cha-chaaaaaaaaanges

I have been promoted at work! Meaning my July was rather tame and work focused and actually very fitness focused as well. But HEY PROMOTION!!  :D
(which may mean more money which may mean better budget more things)

P.S. Anybody have a fitbit? I need more friends on there.... ones that I can compete with and not get crushed by *cough* Tia *cough* Mara *cough*

Well this is my life up to August....

Still budgeting and broke
And still tired but working out!

GO TEAM!~~  

$115 (*dies*)

Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year Blues~

The beginning of a New Year's Tale~~


All the Winter holidays are done, you're excited to be the 'new you', and you can't wait to kick off January by going to the gym, saving money, doing new hobbies, etc....etc....

(Random Pet Peeve - ETC = ET Cetera - click here for explanation) - there is no EX

Anyway - I'm not immune to the 'New Year' clean slate feeling. I want to be the most awesome me too! *raises hand*

Going to go to the Gym? Well really, I'd already planned that for last year. So I guess I'm a goal ahead since I just wanted to be in better shape in general.  *shrug*

New hobbies? Not new, I need to get back into my old hobbies~ I haven't drawn something new in ages or painted in over a year... let's do that ... yeah... let's  :)

Now here's the tricky one - really the main one this blog and my world revolves around.

You're stoked. You're planning. You're pumped to save money. You check the bank account and while again today you are not a millionaire (shucks) you are able to buy food (WIN).

Then you see your credit card bills.

I'm sure some of you did awesome over the winter holiday season and stayed within budget and blah blah blah, kiss my butt. Yeah. You probably didn't eat a single piece of cake or pie either.

You....are weird. (Everyone loves pie!)  
The rest of us did the motto of 'Sharing is Caring' and as such - we nearly nulled our paychecks for December.
I shared and cared so much that I got my CC bills and went "Well ....okay... - looks like I need to pay ONLY IN CASH for Jan, so I don't think I'm a MILLIONAIRE and charge things."
No joke.
I will be doing this for January.

New Motto for 2014? See this youtube vine video~

Was my spending bad? Yes
Was it something I can recover from? Yes
Is it going to be painful with me kicking and screaming? Absolutely

So here comes the fun part - the part that I'm not sure I can keep but will update Month to Month.

I'm not going to buy any new accessories, clothes, or jewelry for 6 months. I got the idea from this post.
(Notice shoes aren't included... yeah... and giftcards don't count in this cuz...we just had Christmas!)

Will there be exceptions? DEFINITELY     Personal hygiene things are a must.  hahaha

However I'm going to start slow, I don't think I'll be perfect (who is?) but we'll see how January goes for this.

I'm stricter on my budget then most I know and frankly I still think I'm WAY to lenient. I think back to when I first graduated college and the fact that I never spent money on ANYTHING. How did I do that?? No idea, working to try and figure it out.

Some things I just can't compromise on though. I love seeing friends, hanging out, and making memories. So I'm guessing my food bills will continue to be on the gratuitous side.  :\     That's a hit I'm willing to take though.

Cheers to 2014~~
Let's do this!!

Glass, bottle, keg... we don't judge here.  ;)
