Monday, August 18, 2014

House List To Do's and Don'ts

So it's been pointed out to me that I have a problem.
Not a huge problem but a 'doing' problem. Not so much doing but a delaying. haha

Everyone with me so far?

So we're working on one of the basement rooms currently and we actually have sanded the walls, cleaned the floor after sanding, and TCPed the walls. We are now ready to prime and then paint!
(I'll have pictures after the project is complete)

However, my mind has a tendency to not want to go forward if everything is not prepped. And not in the sense of "Is it ready to be painted?" because YES of course it's ready.
I have a tendency to delay 'doing', or in this case 'painting', because I don't have a solid ending. I don't want to buy paint, paint, clean up, and THEN - I don't have a place to store the paint....and we have a bunch of left over paint from the last owners we need to clear out and I'm uncertain of how to be rid of that paint.

In my mind - I delay starting as my finish is uncertain.
LAME!  I know it's lame but I like things to be orderly and this effs up my groove!

"You've thrown off the Emperor's groove" (
I don't know if I picture somehow the end being a catastrophe or what but it does delay me from starting. URGH
Maybe it's because I don't like starting another task until the previous is completely done and I'm associating the leftover paint with this last pain job?? who knows - I'm weird. 

So I'm working on NOT being affecting by end results that clearly haven't happened with our house stuff. *sigh* This way I CAN accomplish and start the 'To Do' list.

Anyone care to see the list?

Items to complete in my house owning lifetime:
- Paint the basement exercise room
- Remove spare fridge
- Organize and install shelving/storage in basement closet
- Furnish Basement Living room (This will of course have sub bullets at some point)
- Upgrade furniture in Master
- Furnish Guest Bedroom
- Hang paintings in basement (and in guest room, and master room, etc.. etc....)
- Hang large mirror in landing
etc, etc, etc........

The list goes on and on.

Thankfully some of the above doesn't have money associated with it, just cleaning. However, some rooms need to be finished to get to others. Like this painting I need to do. :\

If any one wants to help paint - sign up via comment below!!! I will accept any and all help. lol

Meanwhile on the budget front..... I... I don't want to talk about it....   D:  I mean I'm sure I will but it's not pretty or healthy haha

I know this is a short post this week but just to recap~

TO DO = Beginning projects and make sure you follow through - NO DELAY
To Don't = Delay for illogical reasons that will make completion so far in the future you get frustrated.
AAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I'm broke. 


 ~ A

$272 (my last post was on the fourth so this is the 4th - 14th) *cries*

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