Friday, June 1, 2012

Italy Day 5: Cinque Terre Sunny Days~

Woke up at the butt crack of dawn today. We had to checkout, confirmed what’s packed, and head to Milano Centrale Station to make an 8am train.
All went off without a hitch, thank goodness.
When we got on the train it reminded me of Harry Potter. Haha   We had our own booth/room thing with 6 seats and we had a trolley come by with treats on it. :D

We discovered halfway through our trip that seats are actually assigned and we were in the wrong place buuuuuuuuuuut when the train worker came to validate our ticket, he didn’t say anything. Sooooo WOOHOO. Haha
3 short, sort of sleep filled hours later, we arrived in Cinque Terre. It’s gorgeous here. Just like Lake Como/Varenna area, this place is right on the cliffs. We are specifically in Montarosso. (One out of around 5 villages in this area.) It is one of the bigger cities but strangely enough, it will NEVER get bigger. It’s unable to, due to the hills and cliffs around it. 

When we checked into our hostel (run by a nice Filipino woman)…we proceeded to pass out for 3 hours. Haha. When we wake up early we don’t make it long in this heat. It’s an energy sucker. Fun fact: No AC in this hostel. (Does sad victory dance)
The room had a queen bed and a set of bunk beds. I, naturally, am on the top bunk. I also woke up a sweaty mess due to that whole no AC bullshit. Guess I’ll try sleeping without sheets tonight. 

After our **ahem** ‘nap’, we went exploring the town! Seafood is the specialty in town as everything is caught locally. Anchovies for some reason are on everything but depending on how it’s prepared, they aren’t nearly as salty as expected.

And of course….we got gelato afterwards. So far, the Cherry Garcia type flavor is my favorite, with its fresh cherries on top.  :)
We then went exploring on the beach, pretty sure I got a lil toasty, if not burned. (darn you pale skin). I also got bitten by some yellow-bellied insect, bigger than a mosquito but itchy all the same. Then we went and explored, what we thought was a castle but is actually someone’s house…. Very interesting.

Heading around the corner, we saw the other half of the town and wandered around. We got to see pictures of a mudslide that occurred in 2011 and how it washed down the streets and flooded shops, a lot are closed these days due to it. 

As it got dark, it got frigid outside. Being so close to the sea causes a HUGE drop in temperature at night. We hurried back to our hostel to hang out and bond (as us friends do~  :p ) 
Made another discover – no internet! False advertising on the website for that I guess. Sigh oh well. So technically readers….you won’t see this post till I have access again. Shrug
Quote of the Day:
(Fred’s opinion on French/Italian Men)
Fred: No, no. Pretty sure he’s a greasy 30 years old.
Sindy: Wait, then what are you?
Fred: I’m a drunk 30. Way better.

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