Friday, June 8, 2012

Italy Day Seven: WE ARE ROMA!

So I guess my body finally adjusted to the time change. I woke up this morning at 730am with no help needed. Even though I ended up going to bed around 1am. (oh well).   I woke up and packed my bags and threw out some trash while the rest of the crew slept for a bit.
Again, took my time getting ready and chillin’ for the majority of it. :)   Also, my hair is slowing down in getting greasy. So I think it’s adjusting to the climate here. HURRAY.
YES! For all those wondering, we did feel the quake in the night. It was a slight tremor feel and rumbling. Things jiggled in the room a bit but nothing to severe.
We are all ok.  :)
Everyone ended up waking up around 915-930ish and we quickly got ready and checked out of our hostel. Not to bad. Not to bad at all.
We then had breakfast at a local Focaccia shop. I had the Focaccia with cheese and sliced potatoes on top… it was pretty good. It had a little TOO much basil in my opinion but still good.

We then hung around the town for a bit and then bid farewell to the amazing town of Montarosso. (It’s going in my book as probably one of the best places I’ve been).

We then rode on a train for aboooooooooooooooout 3-4 hours to get our way to Rome. But arrive we did, in one piece no less. The hostel is about as expected… 4 beds, tiny room. BUT we have free breakfast.

AND I HAD INTERNET!! (does happy dance). Only to find everyone was worried about the earthquake.  :/    Sorry everyone, I didn’t have Internet in Cinque Terre. Once settling in and emailing the appropriate parties, confirming we were still alive.
We headed out for some dinner. I’m starting to get mildly addicted to their small portion but delicious foods. I tried some Cornella con fromaggio e spinach. 

Also, random question for everyone. Please tell me what is going on in this sculpture…..cuz we couldn’t figure it out…. Hahaha

We then got some gelato (per usual), got some money out, and well… I got separated for a bit but luckily found Alex a lil while later  (he's the one in red....)

Again, adventure around every corner here. We went then to the supermarket; they apparently gamble here too:

Then we are retired for the night. (swoons) Travel days are always draining.
So….I lied. We were not retired for the night. We decided to try some Limoncello (which we heard was a delicious liquor). No one mentioned it was like a jolly rancher. Tasted like we all drank a cup of syrup. Slightly…urgh. Haha

Then we wondered around to find the Colosseum. Come to find out, our hostel is literally only a few blocks away. Haha  
Here are some gorgeous night pictures of our adventure, the Colosseum, and the Archway.

Ciao~ Bella
P.S. There are stairs EVERYWHERE in this country. I’m starting to get concerned on WHY they have so many.
Plus side…my jeans are loose now. I think I’ve lost a pants size since being here. Probably due to that hike a while back. Small paths with certain death on one side... tend to make me more motivated and also, in my opinion, burn those calories quicker. HAHA

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